Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Isabella update - first cold

So on Sunday Isabella will be 8 months old. Crazy how time flies. Right now she is dealing with her first cold. Not fun. We took her to the doctor yesterday and she just has the cold virus, no infections (ear , throat etc). She does have a not-so-good-sounding cough but her spirits seem to be high today. She slept better last night than the night before.

You can now see both her 2 lower front teeth clearly. Her crawling is also getting much better. She's moving around much more fluently so the gates are up.

I haven't mentioned her speech but she is quite a talker when she wants to be. She can say dada, papa, and mama (mostly mama when she is crying). She also enjoys singing with mommy. We usually do call and answer songs and she's sill very found of her hand drum... actually she bangs on everything.

She has also started to pull herself up to a standing position but she is still very wobbly and has to hold on tight.

That's it for now. Check back soon.

Monday, March 22, 2010

clap your hands

So yesterday Isabella (with help from Nani) learn how to clap her hands and now it's one of her favorite things to do. We also got a chance to play with our friend Mia (who's clothes get passed down to us [thank you!]). That was great fun.
We also got some very nice new clothes from Nani that we can wait to try on!

Bella has been miss crankypants in the evenings for the passed week. Most likely because of teething. We had to bring her in to our bedrooom yesterday so Devon could sleep. Once she falls asleep though she's gone until morning.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

some new pics

Here are some new pictures of Bella (and the apartment for those of you who haven't seen it.)
Bella is doing great. She's starting to pick up speed when crawling. Her favorite thing to do is still looking at herself in the mirror . :). We don't have a doctors appointment this month. Next one will be the 8 month mark which is coming up in a couple of weeks. Crazy how time flies!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Going after the glowing buttons

Oh it's starting now. Isabella sees the glowing buttons on the stereo and head right for it.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

First Tooth

Isabella's first tooth broke trough about 2 days ago. It's one of the bottom two.

The homemade pureed turkey was not a success but the jared chicken and sweet potatoes went down with no problem. Not sure what food to try next. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Daddy and Bella outings

Isabella and daddy get their daily exercise by walking around the neighborhood.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Isabella 7 months

Isabella turned 7 months on the 4th of this month. She is doing great. We went on a play date at our friend Leo's house (9 months old ) and had a great time. He had lots of fun toys. On Sunday we discovered that her 2 bottom teeth are starting to come in. Very exciting. Today we are going to try turkey for the first time. I pureed my own lean turkey breast this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Hej hej vanner och familj
Har kommer jag skriva pdates om Isabella samt lagga upp bilder och videos.
