Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Isabella update - first cold

So on Sunday Isabella will be 8 months old. Crazy how time flies. Right now she is dealing with her first cold. Not fun. We took her to the doctor yesterday and she just has the cold virus, no infections (ear , throat etc). She does have a not-so-good-sounding cough but her spirits seem to be high today. She slept better last night than the night before.

You can now see both her 2 lower front teeth clearly. Her crawling is also getting much better. She's moving around much more fluently so the gates are up.

I haven't mentioned her speech but she is quite a talker when she wants to be. She can say dada, papa, and mama (mostly mama when she is crying). She also enjoys singing with mommy. We usually do call and answer songs and she's sill very found of her hand drum... actually she bangs on everything.

She has also started to pull herself up to a standing position but she is still very wobbly and has to hold on tight.

That's it for now. Check back soon.

1 comment:

  1. Åh, stackars Isabella. Hoppas att hon snart blir frisk. Jag ser så fram emot i sommar då jag får träffa er. Kram Anna-Sofia
