Thursday, August 12, 2010

Isabella 1 year

So a lot has happened since the last blog. We went to Sweden to visit family, Bella started walking (very recently) and she had her first birthday.

The Sweden trip was a great success. Being around so many people all the time really made her personality blossom. She's now quite the social butterfly.

She got a walker (shaped like a lion) for her birthday but after trying it a few times she decided she didn't need it and is now walking around (carefully). I have a video up on facebook if you haven't already seen it. She still prefers crawling but she's walking more and more every day.

Here are some photos from the birthday party. I made a gluten free cake so she could have some. She liked it.


1 comment:

  1. It is so hard to believe she is already a year old and walking! Glad you all had a wonderful time in Sweden and Bella got to meet a lot more of her extended family.
